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Expanding the campaign: Thanks Plants advertorials

19 November 2019

You have almost certainly read about Thanks Plants on this website. The campaign drew attention with its PR activities, the online video and other content. But we also promoted the benefits of plants in a different way: with editorials in various Dutch magazines, for example. Advertorials with which we were able to expand, enhance and enrich the campaign’s main message even further.

Four magazines and LINDA.nl​
We placed advertorials in the October editions of Flow Magazine, vt wonen, Ouders van Nu and Quest. We also advertised on the popular digital platform LINDA.nl. The campaign focused on what plants do for us, and we highlighted their three main benefits. In each magazine we focused on one specific benefit. With vt wonen (reach 137.000) the focus was on how you can make your house a home with plants, with Flow Magazine (reach 79.600) it was about more energy and relaxation, and with Quest (reach 105.926) the emphasis was on stress relief with examples from scientific research about the proven benefits of plants in your surroundings. For Ouders van Nu (reach 48.500) we opted for the Health & Well-being angle: plants in the nursery contribute to a healthy climate. And early habits last a lifetime! We also produced appropriate image material for each publication, such as the illustration by Joelle Wehkamp for Flow Magazine. You can see them below.

Thanks Plants
You can read more about the Thanks Plants campaign here.