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International marketing portal launched!

29 April 2019

Even more reach for flower and plant campaigns

The international campaigns from the Flower Council of Holland (FCH) can now achieve even greater reach. The Flower Council has developed an online marketing portal to make a selection of campaign material available in 10 languages. This is a considerable expansion compared to the focus on the current four core countries, and the Flower Council of Holland has undertaken this huge task in response to requests from its international stakeholders.

How the marketing portal works
The portal is a visually appealing site: marketingportal.flowercouncil.com. Users can easily find thousands of high-resolution documents which they can download and share with their target groups. There are documents relating to selected FCH campaigns, because not all campaigns are relevant in all countries. Paying stakeholders can request an online login to access the portal. After approval from FCH, they can start making use the marketing portal. Documents are available in the following 10 languages: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish and Swedish.

Meeting demand from stakeholders
The Flower Council of Holland currently focuses its marketing activities on four core countries: The Netherlands, Germany, France and the United Kingdom. Although there was considerable demand for campaigns from stakeholders in different language-speaking regions, it was unfortunately not possible to develop these campaigns due to budget. With a substantial investment and commitment, FCH can now fulfil this wish. This allows flowers and plants to be marketed to consumers in other regions.

marketing portal