1800 French florists for ApéroFleurs
The results for ApéroFleurs are in. The promotion with the mini bouquets scored far beyond expectation. The ApéroFleurs campaign that took place in France between 27 September and 14 October was very well received by the sector. 1800 florists throughout the country placed the ApéroFleurs kit in their shops. They loved the idea of the mini bouquets - as did their customers. ApéroFleurs increased the florist’s range, thanks to an appealing theme.
15% of florists in France

Follow-up in 2019
ApéroFleurs appeared on the internet, on the radio, and on digital advertising signs.* Most florists have indicated that they would like to continue with ApéroFleurs and think that spring or early summer is the best time. That is exactly what the Flower Council of Holland and the flower suppliers think too. An initial meeting will take place at the start of 2019 to finalise the ApéroFleurs strategy for the new year.
*It’s important to remember that ApéroFleurs contains the word ‘apéro’, and account must therefore be taken of French regulations concerning the use of alcohol in communications aimed at consumers.